Share your success without sounding like a braggart: 8 tried-and-tested tips.

Sharing is caring!

After you’ve achieved something great in your business/professional life, it’s natural to want to celebrate and share it. However, people will assume you’re arrogant if you sound like a braggart. This may even negatively impact your business.

So, if you want to express your excitement about wins and avoid being boastful, here are some tips!

  1. Avoid self-praise and use facts

Never add positive labels for yourself, like “I’m a hardworking executive” or “The business returned to track after I took over.” These phrases make the other person think that you’re bragging.

Instead, disclose the facts, like when you took over your role and how the business or team has grown. Mention the results, let others interpret your effort from the facts, and you’ll seem humble to everyone.

  1. Put business cards to use

You can share your success with a smart business card without saying much. With these digital tools, you can send all the important information directly to a recipient’s device with a simple tap or scan.

Besides basic information, you can add links to pages with specific projects and their results. Alternatively, you can also link your portfolio to the card.

Once people notice it, they’ll naturally know about your charismatic success!

  1. Emphasize your effort

Never mention the big accomplishments as though they were easy. That makes you appear like a boaster and arrogant and downplays your hard work. People assume that you reached the heights because your path was easy.

Instead, focus your words more on your endless hard work. This will make others acknowledge your journey and perseverance. Share how much you sacrificed and how you’ve been demotivated but still kept going.

  1. Be grateful for opportunities

Never act like you deserve success and good fortune. Otherwise, people will think you’re another entitled person who got lucky, and nobody will appreciate your hard work anymore.

Instead, act grateful by mentioning who you’re grateful for the opportunities. It might be your boss, the organization, or the investors who believe in your vision.

When you appreciate others during your peak moments, you shine the hardest!

Moreover, statistics show that 93% of people believe grateful bosses are more likely to succeed.  

  1. Don’t forget to give credits

It’s not easy to achieve perfection and succeed alone. Different people have supported you throughout the journey, whether family members, coworkers, seniors, or investors.

While you mention your achievements, credit everyone who stood by you and motivated you to reach new heights.

Even if people think you’re bragging, phrases like “I wouldn’t be here without X, Y, and Z’s support” will change their perspective on you. You’ll instantly seem more humble.

  1. Choose your words wisely

When you share stories of your achievements, never use “I hate to brag, but…” This just makes people think YOU ARE bragging. That phrase will catch all the attention, and you will put people off.

Most will just mentally assume that you say you don’t want to brag, but you’re doing it either way. Instead, stick to your true and simple emotions like, “I’m so glad to announce…”

  1. Never put others down

The worst thing to do while sharing your success is to put others down. Never make mean remarks like, “None of my other coworkers brought as many clients as I did,” or “None of my friends earns like me.”

These turn off people, so they don’t want to associate with you. They won’t even consider your hard work at this point. So avoid comparing yourself to highlight your wins.

  1. Don’t rush to share everything at once

You may want to share every detail at once when you meet someone after a long time or for the first time and want to impress them. However, that’s not a great idea.  

Your achievements are dear to you. But the other person won’t appreciate an hour-long conversation about all the wins of your life. They’ll feel overwhelmed and won’t want to connect with you ever again.

Instead, keep a few things under wraps and share them at your next meeting. Go naturally with the flow and ensure the conversation is interesting and memorable.


These tips will help you master celebrating your wins without boasting. Lastly, remember to stay authentic—you’ve got this!