How to Stay Fit on a Budget: Save Money While Getting Healthy

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Staying in shape shouldn’t mean your wallet loses weight as well – and all it takes for fitness and frugality to march hand in hand is a bit of cleverness and a modicum of preparation. So to that end, here are some savvy tactics that will help you hit health goals without leaving your finances in disarray.

Getting Fit with Free, Connected Services

Gym memberships are expensive no matter where you live – and while New York residents might have it worse with their $75+ monthly average, even in the most affordable places you’ll pay at least $40 for the privilege of working out in a dedicated space.

However, thanks to the array of digital services on offer today, you simply don’t need to fork over your hard-earned cash – so here are a few top options that are effectively free to use:

Digital Fitness Apps

Over 850 million fitness app downloads were recorded in 2023, and free versions like Caliber and Nike Run Club get rave reviews from users. The really impressive part is that the best options in this niche cater to users of all fitness levels – so you can make the most of them no matter where you are on the scale of in-shape.

Online Workout Communities

Platforms such as Reddit’s r/bodyweightfitness provide no-cost regimens and communal support – and sharing progress can be just as motivating as having a personal trainer.

YouTube Fitness Channels

A treasure trove of free advice, walk-throughs, and full workout sessions await. Channels like Fitnessblender or HASfit bring the gym experience to your living room without asking for more than an internet connection.

Eating Smart on a Budget

A rock-solid body requires the right fuel. However, eating healthy has a reputation for being costly – an assumption that’s not entirely accurate, even if there is evidence that 3 billion people are priced out of nutritionally balanced diets.

With that said, making smart, cost-effective dietary choices can provide your body with the necessary nutrients without overstretching your budget. Here are some strategies to pursue:

Buy Bulk Whole Foods

Purchasing whole grains, beans, and lentils in bulk can lead to significant savings. Given that only 5% of Americans consume their recommended daily intake of fiber, incorporating these into your diet is also a health win.

Seasonal Produce Shopping

Fruits and vegetables bought in season aren’t just fresher; they’re often cheaper. Local farmers’ markets can be gold mines for such deals.

Plan and Prep Meals

Some studies suggest that meal planning can reduce food waste by up to 25%. Planning meals reduces impulsive buys and ensures you use what’s in your pantry, saving money – and keeping your waistline in check as well.

Embrace Plant-Based Proteins

Supplements like whey protein aren’t cheap. Chickpeas, black beans, and tofu offer high protein content at a fraction of the price. That said, you shouldn’t totally rule out supplements – it’s just a case of choosing the right ones for the right reasons.

For instance, you can boost your workout performance and the end results in terms of muscle strength if you take creatine supplements – locking in gains rather than squandering them. If your interest is piqued, read about creatine loading to see if it’s right for you.

Burning Fat in the Great Outdoors

Who says you need four walls and a row of ellipticals to get fit? Outdoor spaces can be your open-air gym that’s free and available year-round. Better yet, outdoor activities not only benefit your physical health but can also boost your mental well-being, with studies showing that even as little as 20 minutes spent in nature reduces stress and anxiety.

Here are some ways to utilize the great outdoors for your fitness regime:

Community Parks

Local parks often have walking trails or exercise stations. A 30-minute park workout is as effective as an indoor gym session if you use what’s available – benches for dips, paths for sprints, fields for plyometrics.

Cycling or Running Groups

Health benefits aside, groups provide motivational and social perks. Chances are there’s a community of enthusiasts near you ready to welcome newcomers.

Hiking Trails

Hiking burns calories at impressive rates; it can scorch between 430 to 550 calories per hour, depending on your weight and hike difficulty.

Swimming in Natural Bodies of Water

If accessible, oceans, lakes, or rivers offer excellent resistance workouts without the chlorine smell that’s tricky to remove, or the monthly fees.

The Bottom Line

The price of fitness can be steep, but if you use the tips provided above, it will only come down to how much will power you can muster, and whether you have a good support network and community around you to push you toward your goals. 

So forget the idea that getting in shape is only for people with endless budgets, as we’ve shown that you really can be cost-conscious and still work out frequently.