What are Barking Collars and How are They Different

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Barking is a natural behaviour for dogs, but excessive barking can become a nuisance that disturbs not only the dog owners but also the neighbours. In search of a solution, pet owners often turn to barking collars. 

These devices are designed to provide a deterrent when dogs bark excessively, helping to train them to bark less and improve their behaviour. In this featured post, we will discuss what barking collars are, the different types available in the market, and how they differ from each other.

Understanding Barking Collars

Barking collars, commonly known as anti-bark collars or bark control collars, are electronic devices worn around a dog’s neck. The primary purpose of such collars, available with reputed suppliers like Pet-Tech, is to discourage excessive barking by providing aversive stimuli whenever the dog barks beyond a certain level. This negative reinforcement can help modify their behavior over time.

Types of Barking Collars

1. Static (Electric) Bark Collars

Static bark collars deliver mild electric shocks through two metal probes located on the inside of the collar. When triggered by vocal vibrations caused by excessive barking, these collars administer a harmless static shock to deter further barking. The intensity of the shock can usually be adjusted according to the dog’s size and temperament.

2. Spray Bark Collars

Spray bark collars work by emitting an unpleasant citronella or lemon-scented spray near your dog’s snout whenever they bark excessively. Dogs find these sprays uncomfortable and associate them with excessive barking, ultimately discouraging them from doing so. The major advantage of spray bark collars is that they do not involve any electric stimulation.

3. Ultrasonic Bark Collars

Ultrasonic bark collars utilise high-frequency sound waves that are inaudible to humans but irritating for dogs when triggered by their barking. The collar emits a sharp noise when the dog barks, which acts as a deterrent, conditioning them to reduce their vocalisations. Ultrasonic bark collars are advantageous because they provide negative reinforcement without any aversive stimuli.

Differences among Barking Collars

1. Mode of Operation

The primary difference between barking collars lies in the mode of operation and the type of aversive stimuli they deliver. Static bark collars administer an electric shock, spray bark collars release an unpleasant scent, while ultrasonic bark collars emit irritating high-frequency sounds.

2. Aversive Stimuli Intensity

Another key difference is the adjustability of aversive stimuli intensity. Static bark collars offer multiple correction levels that can be customised according to the dog’s size and sensitivity. On the other hand, spray and ultrasonic bark collars have fixed stimulation levels that may not be suitable for all dogs.

3. Impact on Dog Training

While all barking collars discourage excessive barking, their impact on overall dog training differs. Static bark collars have been shown to be more effective in quickly reducing excessive barking due to their direct association with an uncomfortable shock stimulus. Spray and ultrasonic bark collars may be less effective for stubborn or highly motivated dogs but can still act as useful deterrents.

4. Safety Measures

When using any barking collar, it is essential to consider safety measures to ensure your dog’s well-being. Look for features such as automatic shut-off mechanisms that prevent prolonged activation, adjustable probe lengths to accommodate different coat thicknesses and waterproof designs for outdoor usage or water-loving breeds.

Considerations for Choosing a Barking Collar

When selecting a barking collar for your furry friend, it’s important to take certain factors into consideration. Some key factors to keep in mind include the size and breed of your dog, their temperament and sensitivity level, and any existing health conditions they may have. Additionally, consider whether you want a collar that offers different correction levels or one with a fixed stimulation setting. By thinking about these aspects, you can make a well-informed decision and choose a barking collar that is tailored to your dog’s needs.

Positive Reinforcement Training in Conjunction with Barking Collars

While barking collars can be an effective tool in managing excessive barking, they should ideally be used as part of a comprehensive training program that includes positive reinforcement techniques. Positive reinforcement involves rewarding desired behaviours, such as quiet periods or calm behaviour, with dog treats or praise. By combining the use of barking collars with positive reinforcement training methods, pet owners can help their dogs associate being quiet with rewards and reinforce good behaviour over time. 


Barking collars offer pet owners a way to manage excessive barking in dogs effectively. By using different types of aversive stimuli such as electric shocks, sprays, or ultrasonic sounds when triggered by excessive barking, these devices encourage dogs to reduce their vocalisations. It is important to select the right type of collar based on your dog’s size, temperament, and specific training requirements. Always remember to consult with a professional dog trainer or veterinarian before implementing any barking collar.