The Power of Positivity: How To Stay Upbeat While Shedding Pounds

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Losing weight can often be a mental battle for many people.

If things don’t go our way, or the numbers on the scale aren’t changing as you expected, it is normal to beat yourself up over it.

However, staying positive is very important to lose weight healthily. 

Resorting to extreme measures can affect the body negatively and even harm your mental well-being in the long run.

Here’s how you can stay upbeat while shedding pounds!

Start Your Day Right

A positive start to your day will ensure the rest of your day goes well. It means setting the right tone with the first thing you do in the morning.

You can start your day with a few minutes of meditation, a short walk, or other forms of self-care. It will calm your mind and motivate you to seize the day.

On the other hand, if you start your day with mindless scrolling, you will likely feel dull throughout the day. 

Staying in bed for hours after waking up can make you rush through your morning routine. So, make your bed, drink a glass of water, and prepare yourself to take over the day!

Starving Does No Good

Starving yourself is a terrible way to lose weight because it can push you into a spiral of binge eating after some time.

Also, starving or depriving yourself of food for longer hours can slow your metabolism. You may also experience frequent temptations to indulge in unhealthy foods.

When you don’t see the changes you want or don’t see much progress in losing pounds, it doesn’t mean you should push yourself to stay famished.

The right method is to swap high-calorie foods with low-calorie and high-satiety options. You should also drink enough water and take your vitamins regularly. Track your calories and consume according to your body weight and energy needs.

Staying full can make a big difference in your overall mood.

Go Beyond Numbers

There is no need to check your weight every day. You will constantly want to hop on the scale hoping to see a little change.

Weight loss goes beyond numbers. What matters is whether you feel happier, healthier, and better.

If you confine your fitness journey to mere numbers, you will feel demotivated when you don’t notice a change. You may also adopt harsh measures that can be unhealthy for your body.

So, weigh yourself once every two weeks to keep track of your progress.

Break the Limits

Working out every day or staying on a restricted diet can be stressful when your body does not respond well. It can also make your mind feel low.

If you can’t lose weight naturally because of medical conditions or other reasons, don’t hesitate to consider options like non-surgical weight loss procedures. It can take the burden of losing weight off your shoulders.

As these methods are not invasive, they are popular among people looking for extra help in staying fit. You may consult your doctor and discuss it to identify the right method for your body.

Trust the Process

Let’s say you caved in and binged on a lot of sugary treats. It doesn’t mean you have failed or the clean eating you’ve done the previous week is futile.

Occasional slip-ups are natural, and you shouldn’t throw away your entire plan out of this frustration.

As mentioned above, consuming high-satiety foods can prevent you from gobbling junk food on the go. However, it is still okay to have an occasional cheat day.

The same goes for exercise. Skipping one day is okay, and you can get back on track the next day!


Documenting how you feel during this process through journaling or simply talking it out with a close friend can be immensely helpful.

You are not alone in your weight loss journey, and there is no shame in asking for help. Years down the line, you can be a source of inspiration to others through your transformation!