Make sure to pack these 5 things whenever you travel

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We all know the feeling: you’ve been through the excitement of planning your trip and you’re mentally ready to get on that plane and kick back. But first, you have to pack. Whatever you think of packing, the pressure of remembering all your important items can make it a touch stressful. 


The good news is, with a bit of foresight, packing can be a total breeze, with certain items (like a trusty reusable bottle) being absolute game-changers for any trip. Some are a little creative, while others are so obvious it’s almost embarrassing to admit they sometimes get left behind! No matter how you’re travelling—by plane, train or car—these essentials will make your journey smoother. Here are the five things you should always pack whenever you travel.

 1. Stay fueled with snack essentials

In the rush to get out the door, it’s all too easy to forget to stash a few snacks. But from experience, staying energised while you travel is crucial. There’s nothing worse than finding yourself stranded with a rumbling stomach. Packing a few portable, nutritious snacks is a travel lifesaver.


Some go-to snacks that are great for when you’re hungry on the go include trail mix, protein bars and dried fruit. These kinds of healthy nibbles offer a solid mix of protein, fibre and energy to keep you going when you’re out exploring. Pro tip: use small storage containers to keep your snacks fresh and avoid those pesky crumbs invading your bag. 

2. Ensure comfort with versatile clothing layers

One of the biggest hacks while travelling is mastering the art of versatile clothing. Forget about lugging around heavy coats or packing multiple outfits for every possible weather scenario. Instead, focus on lightweight, compact clothing that can be layered if and when you need. A puffer jacket is a great investment, as it’s light and can be packed down in your suitcase, yet will keep you toasty when the temperature drops.


Lightweight thermals are fantastic for layering under other clothes to add warmth, while a pair of stockings stashed in your day bag can easily transform a daytime outfit into evening attire. Look for convertible pieces, like jackets with removable linings or pants with zip-off legs, and don’t forget those classic layering staples like scarves. Finally, opt for wrinkle-resistant, easy-care fabric—it’ll be your best friend when living out of a suitcase.

 3. Stay charged and connected with essential tech gear

You probably guessed it—next on the list is tech gear. In today’s world, staying connected while travelling is non-negotiable, whether you’re navigating new cities or capturing a perfect sunset. 


First up is a reliable portable charger. Opt for one that shows the remaining battery percentage, to avoid accidentally getting caught out. Another must-have is a universal adapter, which allows you to plug in anywhere, from cafes in Paris to Tokyo hotels. 


Taking some time to organise your tech gear can also save you a lot of hassle while travelling. A small, zippered pouch is perfect for keeping chargers, cables and adapters neatly in one place. And for added convenience, consider a multi-port USB charger, which is ideal for powering up all your devices at once.

 4. Keep fresh with a compact personal care kit

A well-packed personal care kit is your secret weapon when it comes to staying fresh and comfortable during travel. Start with the basics: toiletries, a toothbrush, hand sanitiser and wet wipes—essential for quick refreshment on the go. Packing a small first-aid kit with basic medical supplies including band-aids, pain relievers and antiseptic wipes will also help with any unexpected mishaps.


When flying, remember to stick to flight-friendly sizes for liquids and consider packing an eye mask, earplugs and a travel pillow to make long journeys more pleasant. If you’re tight on space, you can try to consolidate items by using multi-purpose products, like combined shampoo and body wash. Organise everything in a clear, zippered pouch to keep your essentials accessible and to ensure they don’t take up any unnecessary space in your bag. 

 5. Discover the joy of bringing a small touch of home

Finally, there’s something deeply comforting about having a small piece of home with you while you travel. This could be your favourite pillowcase, a cherished pair of slippers or a photo of your loved ones.

Make sure it’s something easy to pack and lightweight so it doesn’t add bulk to your luggage, but still gives you a special connection to home. Whatever your item may be, these little things can make a real difference when you’re in an unfamiliar place, helping ease any homesickness and create a home away from home. 


As you pack for your next adventure, remember that a little preparation can go a long way in making your trip smooth, comfy and enjoyable. Whether it’s staying fueled with snacks, keeping your tech gear charged or bringing a little touch of home, these essentials will help you focus on what really matters. So, pack smart, travel light and don’t forget to soak up every moment!