How To Upgrade Your Kitchen On A Budget

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Whether you’ve always dreamed of preparing your morning coffee in a modern, luxury-inspired kitchen or something a little more rustic, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are plenty of ways to bring that vision to life – even with a limited budget at your disposal. 

Photo by Aaron Huber on Unsplash


With that in mind, here’s a straightforward guide that you can use to upgrade your kitchen on a tight budget. 


Start by deep cleaning your kitchen. While you should already be making a concentrated effort to keep your kitchen clean and tidy, you’d be surprised about just how elevated this space will feel during a deep clean. Remember, a deep clean is about more than just wiping down the countertops and brushing up crumbs. For example, you should clean every single cabinet, keeping an eye out for the warning signs of maintenance issues such as black mold.


Upgrade your cabinets. Generally speaking, kitchen cabinets are built to last. However, if they’ve lost their lustre over time, you may want to look at repairing or revamping them.  For example, you could use a sliding door kit to make your cabinets more accessible and stylish, without having to install new cabinets from scratch. 


Add a fresh coat of paint. Sometimes, the most simple changes have the biggest impact on how a room looks. As such, you could make a real difference to your kitchen by applying a fresh coat of paint. Ensure that your hard work keeps for longer by looking into splashback options to place around the stove and oven, as this means that your walls won’t become covered in grease or stains that you cannot wipe away.


Before you start to apply a fresh coat of paint, ask yourself whether or not it’s time to try out a different color scheme. For example, while the majority of homeowners tend to use neutral shades such as white and black within the kitchen, there’s no reason why you cannot explore a more colorful route. After all, being surrounded by your favorite colors is said to be good for your mental health, which means having a bright, colorful kitchen can be transformational in its own way. 


Change the lighting. Changing the lighting in your kitchen can also be a real game-changer. For example, by switching from ‘darker’ mood lighting to something bright, you can make your kitchen appear much bigger than it is – which is great news if your kitchen is on the smaller side. 


Installing adjustable smart lighting is a great choice, as this means that you can change the lighting settings depending on your mood or the atmosphere you are trying to create. You should also opt for sustainable options where possible, as this can help you to cut down on the cost of rising energy bills. 


Brush up on your DIY skills. The biggest cost associated with home renovations is hiring people to work on your behalf. While this is sometimes essential (such as for plumbing or electrical work), this is money that you could easily save by learning more about the basics of DIY.