8 Tips for buying clothing as a gift for someone

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Buying a gift such as clothing for someone else can be incredibly exciting. However, it can also be difficult, especially if you don’t know the person particularly well or have never given a gift before. 


So, here are 8 tips for buying clothing as a gift for someone.


Tips to buying clothing gifts

Buying someone clothing as a gift can be quite personal as clothes are worn by people every day. On top of this, as everyone has a unique sense of style, it can be challenging to find clothing items that suit their tastes.


Don’t rush

One of the best tips to follow when selecting clothing gifts is to not rush the process. Leaving picking out your gift to the last minute can result in you buying something they mightn’t like, and you may have to return it. However, if you take the time to select the perfect item, you will be appreciated as a kind gift giver.


Pay close attention to what they already wear

It’s a good idea to pay close attention to what the recipient of the gift wears. Everyone expresses themselves differently through their clothing so it’s advisable to assess what types of clothing they wear on a regular basis so that you can buy them something they’ll like.


Know what they want 

A great way to make your gift extra special is to get them something that aligns with their usual clothing type but with a twist. This means going for special splurge items they really want but will probably not invest in for themselves. For example, limited edition hoodies are unique because of their exclusive designs and limited availability, meaning it’s not likely they will already own one like it.


Know their sizing

It’s also vital to match the clothing to the person you’re gifting to. Sizing matters when selecting this type of gift. If the clothing is too big, it will be baggy and if it’s too small it will be uncomfortable, or they mightn’t fit into it. If you want to keep your gift a surprise, it’s not a good idea to ask them directly. Instead, learn about their sizing discreetly by taking a look at their wardrobe or by asking someone close to them.


Quality over quantity

Another great tip is to choose quality over quantity. While it might be tempting to choose several cheap clothing items to impress the receiver, there’s a strong chance they’ll notice that it doesn’t last as long. Try to go for one statement piece that that can get good wear out of.


Know what they do

You’ll also need to take their lifestyle into account as this can help guide your choice. For instance, if they work in a professional environment and normally wear the same thing every day, it could be wise to get them something that would align with this context such as a tailored blazer. Alternatively, if they always dress casually, it could be worth investing in something like jeans or joggers that they can comfortably relax in.


How to make it personal

Every person who receives a gift likes to know that the giver has put time and effort into picking it. With clothing, this task may seem impossible but there are ways to add a personal touch. For instance, if you know their favorite color, you could pick out a clothing item with it or you could add a message of your choice onto it.


Consider the current season

You’ll also need to consider the season when you will be giving the gift. If it’s spring or summer, opt for bright and airy clothing items. Alternatively, if it’s winter, you might want to select warmer and thicker pieces of clothing that can be layered. Remember that you can also take some inspiration from gift guides if you don’t know the person too well as these contain a catalogue of unique ideas.


Ultimately, the process of buying clothing as a gift doesn’t have to be difficult if you follow the correct tips. From purchasing clothing items that are exclusive to getting the sizing right, there are many ways to impress the receiver.