7 Situations That Require the Attention of a Plumber

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There are certain domestic maintenance situations and scenarios where you should avoid the temptation to ignore the problem or dismiss it as something that is nothing to worry too much about.


That could turn out to be a terrible decision, especially if you are ignoring the warning signs that suggest you need the urgent attention of a plumber. You might even have some plumbing issues that are making life inconvenient, such as not having enough hot water.


As an example of a typical issue, If you notice that your water is not running away properly, or your drain is overflowing, for instance, that can often be a situation that requires the immediate attention of a plumber. If you search blocked drain Windsor, for instance, you will be able to find someone who is suitably qualified to help with that situation.


What sort of situations require the attention of a plumber? Let’s look at some prime examples where some urgent professional help is often advisable.


Your toilet randomly keeps filling up 


If you can hear your toilet filling up, even when you haven’t recently flushed it, you could have a poor seal or connection. This issue is a classic cause of unusually high water bills, as you end up using far more water than required.


A plumber can fix a running toilet easily. What it costs you to fix it will often prove to be less than you spend on wasted water, if you ignore the problem.


Not enough hot water


Does your shower run cold after a few minutes, or do you not have enough hot water for a bath?


Your hot water tank might need fixing, or replacing if it is not big enough to cope with your family’s washing and bathing demands. This inconvenience is often easily fixed by a competent plumber.


Never ignore a leaking pipe


It’s amazing how many homeowners will choose to ignore a leaking pipe, especially if it is just a minor leak or a constant, mildly irritating, dripping.


The bottom line is that a leaking pipe will often become a burst pipe at some point in the future. You can avoid that potential disaster by getting a professional to fix the problem as soon as you notice it happening.


Don’t ignore that dripping tap


When you consider that you can waste as much as three thousand gallons of water in a year if your tap drips at a rate of one drip per second, you can see how expensive this minor irritation can become.


It should also be noted that a dripping tap could be a sign that something more major is wrong with your plumbing. Either way, it makes sense to get a dripping tap fixed as soon as possible.


What’s that smell?


An unpleasant sewage smell hitting your nostrils is never a pleasant experience. If that’s what you are getting in your home, you may have a clogged drain.


Get it fixed quickly. Exposure to these obnoxious smells and gasses can cause health issues.


What’s that noise?


Sometimes, plumbing problems are audible before they are visible. If you hear a strange gurgling noise coming from somewhere in your home, it is likely that you might have an airflow problem with your plumbing.


This needs to be fixed urgently, or you could get water backing up into your home at some point.


Poor water pressure


It is frustrating when the water dribbles out, or the flow is inconsistent. Water pressure problems can be a sign of something more serious going on. You need to get a plumber to check this out and diagnose the problem before it has the potential to cause damage to your home.


These highlighted situations are common plumbing issues, but all require immediate attention. A quick, simple, and often inexpensive fix, when you first notice a problem, is always preferable to a huge bill when you ignore the warning signs.


If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to call a plumber.