Importance of Family in Star Wars

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A long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away, there lived a monk Jedi that saved a genius boy from the deserts of Tatooine. They grouped and trained together ultimately forming a strong bond like father and son. The duo heard the news about a distressed princess and planned to save her. When they reached the castle ……the story continues. 

Now tell me who would not love a story like that? Especially when the story is a space opera, and includes cool gadgets, mystic force creatures, and dangerous villainous lords.

Star Wars has taught us many lessons but the importance of family outweighs all. Whether it is a peaceful sibling bond or a wretched father and son relationship, the space Odyssey has influenced generational relationships since 1977.  

The most obvious relationship that takes the glory of the force is the Skywalker family. This family has ticked off all the emotions known to mankind. We, as fans, have reflected the sentiments with every movie release, while giving the best neopixel lightsaber toys as gifts to younger fans like they are a Skywalker family prophecy. 

Let’s take a deep look into the Skywalkers, Ghost, Crew 99, hell even Palpatine’s ratched love for the dark side and see what family importance they teach us!

Anakin Skywalker 

The lucky boy that Obi Wan Kenobi predicted would change the course of the Galaxy was Anakin Skywalker. Throughout the movie trilogies, Anakin Skywalker is shown to be an emotional child, a determined Jedi Knight, and an evil Sith Lord. 

Anakin was passionate as a child and shared a hunger for achieving something great. At a young age, the boy was determined to take care of his mother, Shmi. After his union with the noble Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker was exposed to the Jedi teachings and laws. Anakin was deeply attached to kenobi and respected him like a father. 

Later Anakin meets Princess Amidala and loves her profoundly. Anakin’s love for his loved ones and fear of losing them, especially his mother and wife drove him to insanity. He was ensnared by Palpatine’s promise of power. This teaches us vulnerability and passion. 

Luke Skywalker 

Luke Skywalker, Anakin’s son, was initially unaware of his link to Anakin, now Darth Vader. After the big Star Wars twisted reveal in The Empire Strikes, 1980, Luke did not give up. He was insistent on bringing his father to the light side. Luke’s quest for redemption shows loyalty and a natural craving to wish the best for your family. In the end, Luke was successful leading the downfall of the menacing Darth Sidious. 

On the other side, Luke after hearing about his parentage strengthened the sibling bond with Leia Organa. They were inseparable and constantly looked out for each other!

Rey Skywalker & Kylo Ren 

Another Skywalker figure that taught us an invaluable family lesson. Despite her parental heritage, Rey was determined to follow the light side. As the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine, Rey had her life journey planned out. Even then she struck back with wisdom and humility. This reflects independence and standing your ground for what you believe is right.

Rey had trained under Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. Rey proved that even though blood is thicker it cannot outshine the bond with people you love. 

Another example of this is Rey’s iconic connection with the trio of Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Finn. Indicating mutual trust, respect, and guidance goes a long way. So even with no direct relation, Leia tried her best to guide and anchor Kylo Ren to the light side in The Last Jedi and Rise of the Skywalker. 

Ghost Crew 

The introduction of Ghost Crew in the animated series Star Wars: Rebels, 2014 was a beacon of hope for the Jedi suppressed under the Galactic Empire. The group has shown us uncountable family lessons. 

Forged together due to the harsh circumstances each individual in the crew adopted their friends like family. Despite the obvious differences in the members they grew to respect and support each other. The redemption journey of the Ghost Crew has inspired Star Wars fans to be supportive, sacrifice, and have their family’s back. Unity is one thing that will save you from the harshest of times like Kanan Jarrus did with Ezra Bridger. 

Master & Apprentice 

The Master and Apprentice bond is not limited to the light, and peaceful side of the Jedi force. No. Sith has a similar concept. While Sith are known for their nefarious ways, even they were united by the Sith code and lack of ethics. 

Darth Vader was quite loyal to Emperor Palpatine and did his bidding with respect until he couldn’t. In the rarest of moments sith have shown loyalty before they were driven by power and pursuit of spreading evil and purging the Jedi. 

On the other side, there are remarkable master and apprentice examples in the Jedi world. The beautiful and tightly knit bond illuminates respect and guidance. The Jedi Masters guided and trained their padawans like blood children and looked after them throughout their lives. Cue Obi Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker.  


These examples only scratch the surface of what Star Wars has taught us about familial relationships. Some were together by blood, some adopted, some chose but none gave up on each other!