The Importance of Staying Active in Your Golden Years

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While it’s easier to stay active while you’re young, it’s crucial to do it as you age. Whether gardening, walking, or taking fitness classes, intentional movement helps us age well. Here, we list seven benefits of physical activity for seniors.

Disease Prevention

As people age, they may worry about their health—but thankfully, movement is medicine. Exercise lowers the risk of cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions. Although news headlines and online articles tout the latest supplements, the best way to stay healthy as you age is to maintain an active lifestyle. By becoming an assisted living resident, you will get the encouragement and help needed to stay fit.

Better Mental Health

While a long life is a great goal, it’s not the only objective. The mental health advantages of physical activity are well-known. Exercise causes the body to release endorphins, hormones that elevate mood and reduce stress. Whether going for a job, nailing a new Zumba routine, or digging some new flowerbeds, movement will leave you with feelings of fulfillment and achievement.

Continued Independence

Most seniors are reluctant to become burdensome, and staying active helps them maintain the strength and agility needed to remain independent. Regular exercise keeps the joints flexible and the muscles strong, helping seniors preserve their self-sufficiency and mobility. If you have grandchildren or hope to someday, staying mobile and active will make time spent with family even more precious.

Decreased Fall Risk

Equilibrium and balance naturally decline with age, leaving us more likely to fall. Regular exercise helps seniors increase and maintain balance, coordination, flexibility, and strength well into old age. With workouts like Pilates, yoga, and tai chi, your loved one can work on their balance.

Socialization and a Sense of Belonging

While it’s normal to lose touch with friends as time passes, being active and getting out into the world is a great way to form new social connections. It could be as easy as meeting up with a friend for coffee or going to a fitness class with a neighbor; no matter what you do, it’s nice to find people with common interests.

Improved Sleep for Seniors

Good sleep is crucial at every life stage because it allows the mind and body to rest and recover—but quality sleep becomes more elusive with age. Exercise has been proven to improve sleep quality and reduce the time required to fall asleep. Movement elevates body temperature, reducing daytime drowsiness and helping the body maintain its circadian rhythm. 

Better Cognition and a Sharper Memory

The brain is one of the most powerful organs in the body, and it’s often compared to a muscle, which means it needs to be exercised. Regular physical activity keeps it strong by improving cognitive function, recall, and problem-solving skills. 

The Alzheimer’s Society says that regular exercise reduces dementia risk by about 30%, and other studies have had similar findings. Strengthen your brain—and keep it that way—with regular aerobic exercise and strength training.

Reap the Benefits of Physical Activity

Intentional movement offers numerous benefits to body and mind, and it’s never too late to start. Contact us to learn more about our community and its health, fitness, and wellness programs, which are designed to help seniors enjoy a happy, healthy, and independent retirement.