How doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation Is Getting a Grip on Empowering Communities

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Experience the powerful ways doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is wrapping its arms around world issues and offering hope and support.


DoTERRA isn’t just an essential oil company — it’s a movement to build communities across the globe. The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation initiative is a pivotal force in empowering people through even the most difficult times.


DoTERRA has seamlessly woven the essence of care and support into its corporate fabric through the doTERRA Healing Hands initiative. The program, by its design, touches on multiple aspects of community welfare, including education, health care, sanitation, infrastructure development, and women’s empowerment, offering the tools for self-reliance. 


The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation brings healing and hope to the world through providing global communities with the tools they need to become self-reliant by participating in projects that address the needs of microcredit lending, access to health care, education, sanitation, and clean water,” said Mark Wolfert, doTERRA founding executive. “Individuals are empowered and lives are changed.”


Wolfert added that doTERRA International provides all of the foundation’s overhead and administrative costs, ensuring that 100% of all donations go to those in need. 


“That’s been the mission and the vision of the foundation from the very beginning,” Wolfert explained. “Even when doTERRA International didn’t have very much. Even when its founders weren’t drawing a paycheck. But the desire, the objective, was to establish a pattern of giving right from the very beginning.


“In fact, one might say that as much as we love the essential oils, as much as that brings hope and empowerment to people that use and share the oils, the culture really begins with this desire to give, to help, to liberate, and empower others through the foundation.”


doTERRA Healing Hands Continues Its Global Impact


From cleaner water in Haiti to supporting school infrastructure in Kenya, to the creation of a medical clinic in Madagascar, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation aims to provide a foundation upon which communities can build a brighter future.


Education remains a cornerstone of the initiative. Through partnerships with local organizations, doTERRA Healing Hands has been instrumental in constructing schools, funding scholarships, and providing educational materials to underprivileged areas. The belief is simple yet profound: With education comes knowledge and with knowledge comes power — the power to break the cycle of poverty and embrace a future filled with possibilities.


DoTERRA supports our sourcing communities around the globe,” says Misty Bond, VP of Philanthropy and Community Relations.  “In Kenya, where doTERRA sources tea tree, geranium, ginger, pink pepper, cypress, thyme, and lemon eucalyptus, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation provided 31 scholarships for secondary education during the past school year and funded a drip-irrigation system to better equip 20 farming families as they build sustainable livelihoods.”


Health care initiatives under doTERRA Healing Hands have significantly impacted regions struggling with access to essential medical services. Mobile clinics, health education programs, and support for health care workers are just a few ways doTERRA is contributing to healthier communities. These efforts ensure that people have the necessary tools and knowledge to take charge of their health, leading to stronger, more resilient populations.


In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, doTERRA Healing Hands put together support kits with surgical masks, gloves, sanitizer, and other essential items to give to health care workers, first responders, and those on the front lines of the COVID battlefield. 


DoTERRA Healing Hands continues to offer emergency relief packages to those in disaster zones. These provisions include toothbrushes, towels, shampoo, and other basic hygiene items.


In addition, the initiative recognizes the critical importance of sustainable infrastructure. By supporting projects that provide clean water, renewable energy, and improved living conditions, doTERRA Healing Hands helps communities step toward sustainability. These projects not only address immediate needs; they also lay the groundwork for long-term environmental stewardship.


The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, a cornerstone of doTERRA’s outreach, has set ambitious objectives: to positively impact the lives of 1 million individuals through a matching program and to contribute $3 million each year by the end of 2030. Progress toward these goals is already evident, with nearly 250,000 people already benefiting and close to $550,000 in donations through 2022.


DoTERRA’s Partnerships: Paramount for doTERRA Healing Hands


Central to the success of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is the principle of partnership. The company understands that lasting change requires collaboration. Working alongside community leaders, nonprofit organizations, and residents ensures that efforts are well directed and impactful. This collaborative spirit amplifies the reach of doTERRA Healing Hands, making it possible to address the unique needs of each community served.


The journey of doTERRA Healing Hands isn’t just about what has been accomplished. It’s about acknowledging how the work must continue as new issues arise.


As doTERRA moves forward, the initiative remains a shining example of how corporate responsibility can be genuinely aligned with global welfare. Through dedication, partnership, and a deep commitment to making a difference, doTERRA Healing Hands holds the promise of a better tomorrow for countless individuals worldwide.