5 Ways To Save Your Precious Time On Home Cleaning

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We’d all like to reduce the amount of time we spend cleaning the house. For many, it is a chore of the worst kind, eating into precious at-home time with loved ones, spouses, and children. 


But thanks to modern technology and innovative practices, things are improving. You no longer need to spend every hour of the day managing your household. Shortcuts are available!


But what are they? And how can you use them? That’s the topic of this post. We explore how to minimize cleaning time and get your weekends back. Here’s what you need to know: 


Do A Short Burst


Don’t tell yourself that you’re going to make a mess all week and then clean everything up on Saturday morning. That sort of approach to life is exhausting because you inevitably wind up with so much to do.


Instead, do your cleaning in quick bursts. Focus on 15-minute chunks to get stuff done. Don’t be one of these people who leaves everything until the last minute and spends the whole week feeling stressed about it. 


For example, you could adopt a “clean as you go” strategy. With these, you can manage the amount of cleaning you have to do throughout the week. 


You could also spread the chores out across the week. So, for instance, on Saturday you might clean the bathroom, on Monday you dust the bedrooms, and on Friday you sort out the pantry. Rotating like this prevents everything from building up and feeling overwhelming. 


Declutter Your Home

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Another way to save time on home cleaning is to declutter your home, only keeping the things you really need.


For example, you could get rid of all your old camping gear that you’re never going to use again, or kids’ toys in your bedrooms you’re storing, even though your children are adults now. You could also get rid of anything you haven’t used in the last year if you want to go on a real purge. 


Put Stuff In Designated Spots


You could also improve your lifestyle and save time on cleaning by putting items in their designated spots. Having set places where everything goes makes tidying up faster and more streamlined. 


You don’t want to be in a situation where tidying involves carefully placing items inside boxes or drawers. It is usually more efficient to use bins and baskets. 


Keep All Your Cleaning Supplies In One Place


Another pro tip is to keep all your cleaning supplies in one place. A single location means you can grab what you need quickly and don’t have to wrack your brain trying to figure out what you did with bleaches and surface cleaners.


Hire Someone


Finally, it might be worth hiring someone to save time on home cleaning. After all, do you really want to spend your weekends doing it? Probably not. 


Think about the value of your time and how it compares to calling in the cleaners. If it is much more valuable, the case for dusting your home yourself goes out of the window.