Black-and-white photo shots: tactics and secrets of taking TOP photos

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Monochrome will always be popular. This genre of photography is easy to implement provided that you apply some tricks that boost the quality of the final images. You may always eliminate some minor deficiencies that appear in your pictures by using – PRO editor that makes any picture splendid. In general, you will need to concentrate on crafting a good base for your monochrome masterpieces solely. Here are the tips that can facilitate crafting splendid photos.

Tips for the TOP results

If you intend to produce monochrome photos but wish to increase the chances of making those splendid, the below tips would be helpful:

  • Watch some old-fashioned movies. Monochrome images are usually associated with this style. Even if you make a shot of some modern object, the style still remains relevant. Emphasize the specifics of color configuration and shades.
  • Observe the objects or subjects you plan to take from the black-and-white view. For this purpose, you will need to ignore the colors and focus on the essence of what you observe only.
  • Shortlist the things you would like to photo. If you are a beginner, think about some points of daily life. But, also brainstorm about the shots where you can show some deep feelings or emotions, maybe social contexts, etc. Making the latter shots monochrome makes them twice powerful. 
  • While taking your black-and-white shots, be attentive to the contrast. You will need that to be well in order to highlight all the items and subjects that appear in the photos. When you bolster the contrast of your pictures, you automatically make these deeper. This action also had a positive effect of omitting the details. A future viewer concentrates exactly on the primary subjects and objects that appear in the image.
  • Prefer using filters that polarize pictures. These options are useful for this genre since they eliminate the effect of unnecessary reflections. As an outcome, a picture appears to be more clear and quality.
  • If you are looking for quick ideas for your images, emphasize the prints and symmetry. Speaking about nature, you may find lots of prints there that look harmonious by default. In the urban surroundings, you may easily find symmetrical things of different sizes. For instance, you may take a picture of a parking or building with perfect symmetry. If you wish to make those special, take your shots during the sunrise or sunset.
  • Avoid considering monochrome as a solution when you lack proper light. You will need proper lighting regardless of the style of photography you apply. Make sure you use additional flash if there is obviously a lack of light. For monochrome pictures, still prefer using natural and diffused light.
  • The monochrome style will not help you to make some items look better that lack the colors. If they appear neutral in real life, they will look in the same way in the photos. Thus, for splendid black-and-white pictures, you will need items with intense colors.
  • While taking your shots, prefer HDR. The images will look splendid with high resolution and the depth of a picture. To notice the difference, make two shots – one with HDR and another without it. Opting for HDR will also ease your life a lot during the subsequent editing as well.
  • While making the shots, don’t opt for the black-and-white option in your camera. Even if this appears to be easier, the result is not the best possible for a simple reason. A camera in the black-and-white mode produces images of lower quality since it erases around 40% of color. Instead of opting for this mode at the start, make the shorts as usual. Afterward during the processing, switch from the color to black-and-white format and increase the contrast. You may experiment with making the pictures following the first and second approaches. You will see the difference in the quality of the final outcomes.
  • Emphasize textures as well. The photos look good with smooth textures but these images become extremely engaging when it comes to unusual textures. These small shadows can create a huge difference in the quality of photos and make those merely interesting. So, draw attention to the objects or their combinations that offer non-standard textures. Such will be highlighted while making the shots.

Bottom line

Monochrome images are a classic of photography. It always attracts attention and will keep to be popular. At the same time, it may only seem to be an easy one to create. In fact, there are many nuances that impact the quality of images more or less. Prefer using HDR and taking colored images which you will convert into black-and-white later. Increasing the contrast is another must-have for any monochrome photos. And also use PRO photo editors that will help to polish your ideas and transform those into splendid monochrome pictures.