Chronic Knee Pain Solutions: Exploring Physical Therapy

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You’ve only got two knees. It’s in your best interest to take good care of them. When knee pain rears its ugly head, turn to a physical therapist for help. By searching for “physical therapy near me” you can receive a personalized exercise regimen to help you return to full functionality.

Knee Care Redefined

Knee pain can strike anyone at any time. Teenage soccer players can feel a twinge on the field. Young parents might experience soreness after chasing active children all day. Retirees may struggle to extend or bend their knees fully. Each person needs an individual care plan to ease pain and restore mobility. 

Reach out to a local physical therapist if your knee pain symptoms include the following:

  • Weakness or instability
  • Swelling and stiffness
  • Crunching or popping noises upon flexing
  • Warmth to the touch
  • Redness
  • Reduced range of motion

Each of these problems can be addressed with physical therapy Moorestown NJ. A licensed, experienced PT will assess your physical condition and create a protocol of exercises, hot and cold therapy, and stretches to get you feeling your best again.

Some knee pain demands a doctor’s care. If your knee pain is associated with an injury, an obvious deformity to the knee or leg, or a fever, call your doctor immediately.

Steps Towards Pain-Free Living

There are steps you can take to enjoy better knee health, such as:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight. Extra weight puts significantly more pressure and force on your knees with each step. Losing 10% of your body weight reduces pain and inflammation.
  2. Get regular moderate exercise. Low-impact exercise is particularly good. Try walking, swimming, or an elliptical machine.
  3. Wear the right shoes. High heels put pressure on your knees. Trade them in for flexible, flat shoes with excellent arch support.
  4. Strengthen upper and lower leg muscles as well as glutes and hip flexors.
  5. Gently stretch your leg muscles daily. Yoga is good for this.

The goal is to keep healthy knees well into old age. While knee replacement surgery is usually quite successful, it’s not a permanent fix. Most replacements need to be redone in about 15 years. Avoid the surgery altogether by maintaining a moderately active lifestyle.

A Typical Knee-Care Plan

If you try physical therapy Margate, there are some basic exercises and stretches you can expect. Remember your plan will be tailored to your needs, so actual plans will vary. Some of the most common exercises include:

  • Short arc quads
  • Lower extremity stretches
  • Quad sets 
  • Straight leg raises
  • Hip flexor stretches
  • Balance exercises

These exercises may be accompanied by ultrasound therapy, electric stimulation, and hot and cold therapy. Your PT will evaluate your progress and change your program as necessary. You must adhere to the program to get the best results.

Plagued by knee pain? Begin your search today for a PT who can help you regain your knee health. Ask for recommendations from your healthcare provider or look online. With changes to your lifestyle and a personalized exercise regimen, you may once again enjoy pain-free mobility.