Every Step Matters: The Role of Cushioning in High-Performance Running Shoes

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Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/person-wearing-orange-and-gray-nike-shoes-walking-on-gray-concrete-stairs-PHIgYUGQPvU 

As an athlete or an aspiring runner, getting the proper footwear is crucial. Not only does it enhance your appeal, but it also ensures that you achieve your desired athletic excellence. When shopping for shoes, cushioning is a vital aspect. But what role does it play in high-performance running shoes? Read on to find out

What is Cushioning in Shoes?

Running is a high-impact activity that makes your feet vulnerable to injuries. Cushioning in a shoe refers to its capacity to absorb the force of an impact when your feet come into contact with the ground. This happens quickly within the first 50 milliseconds.

As you can see, it is a very short time; thus, you need shoes with adequate cushioning depending on your running environment. In this article, you will learn the benefits of cushioning for your high-performance shoes and the aspects that influence the capacity.

The Benefits of the Right Cushioning in Your Running Shoes

1. Better Midsole Support

The human foot has a particular structure that is consistent for everyone. The midsole is the area between the heel and the ball of your foot. With the right cushioning for your shoe, you minimise the stress on your heel, toes, and ankles. The cushion absorbs most of the impact, thus safeguarding your midsole.

With the midsole secured, running is more comfortable and prevents the occurrence of overpronation. This condition happens when your gait (your walking or running) arches and causes the feet to flatten more than they should. Besides affecting the midsole, it strains the tendons, muscles, and ligaments involved in the activity.

Overpronation can often be treated using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, orthotic inserts, and physical therapy. Once you resume exercising, ensure that your shoes have adequate cushioning to prevent a repeat of the same.

2. Avoid Injuries

According to a recent study, more than 90% of the injuries that occur when running affect the feet. While some injuries are instant, others, such as tendonitis, occur over time due to the pain and stress during the activity.

You can prevent these issues by wearing cushioned shoes, especially during high-performance activities. The shoes offer the perfect support and protection from outside elements that could hurt your feet. You can shop for these options from platforms such as Runners Need and get the ideal athletic pair.

3. Get Additional Arch Support

While unpopular, flat feet are not uncommon. They occur when your feet do not develop the arches during your childhood. The condition may also occur later in life following an injury or from wear-and-tear age stresses.

As a runner or a person involved in athletics, the balance starts within the feet. If the feet cannot offer proper support, you risk developing joint problems following unnatural gait or posture. Research shows that people with flat feet are more likely to experience pain or injuries in the feet, ankles, and knees.

If you have flat feet, you will need extra arch support, especially if you will be involved in athletics. These cushioned shoes offer more arch support and enhance your stability. On the other hand, for those with high arches, cushioning maximises flexibility when your feet hit the ground. You are more comfortable and prevent plantar fasciitis (the most common cause of heel pain).

3 Factors to Consider When Choosing Cushioning for Your High-Performance Running Shoes

The amount of cushioning your running shoes should have depends on a few aspects. Here are a few to open your eyes to when shopping.

1. Running Surface

Your preferred running surface will determine the cushioning your shoes should have. If you will be running on a rough trail with stones and uneven terrain, you will need more cushioning than the person who runs on pavement or a treadmill. The impact your feet sustain when you jump on a mattress is so different from the one you get jumping on concrete.

2. Your Strides

While two people may run at the same speed, their strides differ. Research shows that approximately 90% of runners touch the ground heel first, and the remaining 10% hit the forefoot first. If your strides hit the heel first, you need more cushioning than the forefoot type of strides. Your body will need more support to cater to different impacts.

3. Your Body Structure

As mentioned above, people with flat feet need cushioning compared to those with normal feet. When shopping for shoes at stores such as Runners Need, you must consider your structure. Your ideal shoe should offer a combination of adequate cushioning, comfort, and responsiveness to the ground.


Evidently, wearing cushioned high-performance shoes offers extra support when running or engaging in other athletic exercises. Whether you are new or an expert in your running journey, remember that the kind of shoe you choose determines your comfort and success in the performance. Get the right cushioning and enjoy your experience!