Prenatal Massage and Its Relevance for Pregnant Women in Austin

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Pregnancy is taxing for women, both mentally and physically. However, the percentage of births annually points toward population growth. Sustained high fertility rates reflect a young population and low fertility rates suggest an aging population.


In 2022, Texas recorded 389,741 live births. This was the first time in eight years that this US state witnessed an increased fertility rate. However, this growth was mostly seen in Hispanic women. According to the 2022 statistics, the fertility rate in Texas was 61.9 for every 1,000 women between the age brackets of 15 and 44.


Austin, a city in Texas, recorded an average fertility rate of 67.5. Pregnant women who come under this figure need special care and attention during all three semesters. The city has some of the best gynecologists and healthcare companies offering maternal care, comprehensive fetal care, and maternal-fetal medicine.


But what can also work well during pregnancy is a soothing prenatal massage. From reducing muscle pain to curing the depression pregnant women are prone to, its advantages are many. In this article, we will discuss the relevance and benefits of prenatal massage services available in Austin for pregnant women.

Understanding Prenatal Massage

People often compare a prenatal massage to a pampering spa. It offers much more than that. It is an integrative medicine therapy done by trained professionals using their hands. They apply movement and pressure to multiple parts of the body to stimulate ligaments, muscles, skin, and tendons. 


The massage can be customized to attend to the tight spots that might get exacerbated because of pregnancy while ensuring your and your baby’s safety. Service providers of prenatal massage in Austin ensure that it is a transformative experience for women. The right pressure and positioning release the long-held tension. 


It considers the endocrine and anatomical changes that affect the body. Prenatal hormones, such as relaxin and oxytocin are essential for experiencing tissue healing and deep relaxation. The massage helps to make the most of these hormones. 


What Is The Correct Time for Prenatal Massage?

The answer is that it completely depends on your individual experience. According to the APA (American Pregnancy Association), a few facilities might not allow pregnancy massages for would-be moms in their first trimester. It is because of the chances of a miscarriage that women are prone to face during the first 12 weeks of their pregnancy.


However, there is no scientific research that affirms this assumption. However, considering your health condition and pregnancy complications, your OB-GYN might not suggest it in the first trimester. Instead, they might recommend a prenatal massage when you are nearing 23 or 24 weeks so that there is viability.


Hence, ‌you might feel that you have missed your chance for a prenatal massage as you step into your third trimester. Since the objective of this massage is to enable you to relax, you can opt for it as a preparatory exercise for labor.


Mantis Massage states that leading names in this field aim to offer you a holistic pregnancy journey. They work towards this by offering a session every month. As you move closer to the delivery date, if you suffer from any aches or other complications, the service providers can offer a different timing strategy.

The Advantages of Prenatal Massage During Pregnancy

A Statista report stated that the U.S. massage industry was estimated to reach $17.56 billion in 2022. There are leading massage therapy companies in Texas that offer customers high-end therapeutic massage, which even includes prenatal massage along with wellness education. Since a few of these companies are run by women, they understand the needs of a pregnant woman better. 


Ideally, pregnancy should be a time for reflection, joy, and anticipation. However, more often than not, women feel uncomfortable bodily changes and after-effects like nausea, along with anxiety and pain. A prenatal massage can help you overcome these negative aspects and enjoy a host of benefits. 


The crucial ones include:

It Regulates Hormones

During sessions, an Austin massage therapist ensures that your hormones are in balance by making you feel relaxed. Managing your emotions during this phase is challenging. However, according to studies, if you opt for two massage sessions for a month and a half, it can lower your norepinephrine and cortisol. Additionally, it also increases your serotonin and dopamine, which are the ‘feel good’ hormones.

It Reduces Pain

Pregnancy hormones, especially relaxin, prepare your body for delivering a baby by loosening the ligaments, muscles, and joints. In some cases, the spinal column loosens excessively, which leads to pain and misalignment.


When the baby starts to grow, your belly increases as well, which imbalances the center of gravity. It changes the way you walk and causes pain in the back and legs. Massage can reduce these symptoms to a huge extent.

It Ensures Easy Labor

According to studies, massage during pregnancy can result in a shorter labor duration. You might also need very little medicine during labor. Considering most women want to experience less pain during pregnancy, prenatal massage seems to be the solution.

It Improves Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is not just crucial for your overall health but also for a hassle-free and healthy pregnancy. However, during this phase, you will face pain and stress that will affect your sleep quality. Hence, prenatal massage can be of help in managing insomnia by increasing serotonin production. It triggers melatonin, which asks your body to rest, slow down, and promote quality sleep.


In conclusion, pregnancy is one of the most vital phases of motherhood, as she is about to give birth to a new life. But, hormonal changes within the body cause external reactions as well, such as morning sickness, nausea, gas, muscle pain, headaches, and prenatal depression. 


Here, a massage session can prove useful by providing the required relaxation. Over the years, prenatal massage has helped women feel physically and mentally better during their pregnancy.